kelompok saya mendapatkan giliran maju presentasi untuk mata kuliah discourse. Hari
ini kami harus berjuang untuk menyelesaikan report kami. Tugas-nya yaitu
membuat mini research. Menurut saya, tantangan terbesar dalam menyusun laporan
penelitian adalah membuat background atau latar belakang. Sebenarnya sudah tahu
konsep permasalahannya dimana, tapi untuk menuangkan dalam kata-kata
benar-benar butuh perjuangan. Hampir setengah hari saya duduk di depan laptop
ini, berbagai posisi telah ku coba, duduk manis, tengkurap, serta menggeser
tubuh ke kanan dan ke kiri untuk meregangkan otot-otot yang penuh dengan
ketegangan. Tapi alkhamdulillah bisa diajak kompromi, mata saya sampai detik
ini masih betah untuk diajak melototi monitor yang siap merespon ketikan-ketikan
penuh perjuangan ini. Ku lakukan dengan
penuh kesabaran dan ketenangan agar tulisan latar belakang yang saya hasilkan
bisa sesuai dengan apa yang sedang saya pikirkan. Karena hal ini juga ku jalani
dengan senang hati dan ikhlas, sudah jam segini pu tidak terasa, dan akhirnya
bisa selesai juga. hmmm, lega rasannya, tantangan terbesar berhasil dilalui, membuat
background - In communication, whether oral or written communication, we must
be able to understand what speaker or writer talking about, we need to catch
the message to make the communication be meaningful. As we know that in our
daily life, so many information that is jotted down on written communication form.
So, as the readers we must be able to catch the messages that shown up by the
writer. Sometimes it is hard for the reader to draw the line of what the information
talking about, so that we have to improve our knowledge to avoid
misunderstanding between the writer and reader.
Regarding of such condition, we need discourse analysis to interpret the
writer’s messages. There is a linguistic aspect that should be applied to
fulfill this purpose, which is cohesion. It plays an important role in linguistic
system to connect two or more sentences semantically. The importance of
studying cohesion (grammatical and lexical cohesion) is to create a good and
systematic and also to make us easily understand what information is delivered
in it. In this case, the writers not only have to do more than connect clauses
within sentences, but they must also connect the sentences across whole text or
discourse to avoid the misunderstanding.
News is one example of texts. Of course, there is unit
of sentences that are semantically related. Because of these semantic relations,
the readers can understand the meaning of sentences in the text. News provide information
to the audience. They are the record of current events of interest to the local
community, the state, and even the world. In addition, as stated by Fowler (1991:13),
news is commonly distributed through media. Media have a role in changing the
society. They act as the distributors of fact, opinion, information, education,
and others to control and manage the public. There are many kinds of media such
as television, radio, cinema, newspaper, and magazine. All of these media
sources have a big role in giving the public of what is going on in the world.
Among the media that have been mentioned above, we
think that a newspaper is the best representative media, because it is very popular,
in addition, it can reach a very large of audience. Beside, nowadays the newspaper
industry has become the one of largest media in the world. According to Biagi (1998:55),
as it reaches for 4 the 21 century, newspaper sells 62 millions copies daily
and seven out of ten adults read a newspaper every day.
Newspaper is a
written text. It is mass media that has a function to distribute current
information to the public. The Jakarta Post is one kind of newspaper. It is called
as an international newspaper, because all of the text using English language
and only Jakarta Post newspaper that used English language in Indonesia.
The researcher
is interested in analyzing the cohesive devices in people page of the Jakarta
Post newspaper, which the researcher taken one title only. The researcher wants
to find the cohesive devices that involves in a text then connect them to find whether
a text has cohesiveness or not. In this analysis, the researcher focuses especially
in lexical cohesive devices. It deals with the condition being interconnected
because of lexical choices. Lexical cohesion covers; repetition (repetition
word or phrases to create cohesive interconnection), synonymy (two expressions
or more having similar meanings), hyponymy (word or phrase which have general
and specific meaning relation), metonymy (the connection between part and whole
meaning relation), and antonymy (two words or expressions which have opposite
So, in this research, the researcher focuses on analyzing
lexical cohesive devices used in Jakarta Post article entitled Yogyakartans reject sultan’s ‘sabda’ and ‘dhawuh’ published in May 2015.”
Semoga bisa dengan lancar melanjutkan bagian-bagian yang lain.
Semoga juga, kami besok bisa mempresentasikan hasilnya dengan maksimal. Aamiin
Happy Writing, 15-5-2015