Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

Let's Have Fun in Writing

I have a diary where I write what has happened in my day. I do this because it can keep my consistency my writing. When there is no idea that will be written, writing diary is the best solution. I have decided to keep a record of all my days, whether it is a bad, good, funny, embarrassing or interesting story of my days.  I am quite enjoying keeping my diary up to date. Therefore, I have to do this every day. I decided to do this so that I will be able to remember of my life how I felt every day.
However, I also feel writing the diary is difficult to keep up because sometimes it makes me bored. A little boring came especially when I have simple write, I woke up, went to campus, came home, studied, and went to organization. It seems so basic. There is no something special.
I also write my own blog. I decided to write a blog because it is also the way for keeping my writing. I am new blogger so just write about anything that I like and I find something interesting. I think it will be nice if there is people can read what I am up to and how I am feeling. The website I use also shows how many people have read my blog and I think that is really interesting and cool that I have readers all over the world, he e. I hope that it will be useful for them. I know, by writing, I can remember things by re-reading my posts or diary. I hope, I can maintain my writing until in the future. Aamiin.


Perasaan bahagia bercampur kaget saat mengetahui bahwa kehamilanku yang sudah memasuki usia 8 minggu. Sedikit ada rasa tidak percaya karena ...